Tuesday, July 10, 2012
How do I know?
Every time I do it, I swear I'm never going to do it again. It always leaves me feeling angry and sad and disgusted! So then, why do I keep reading the comments after news stories on the internet? I think I am finally done with it for good.
What is it that irritates me so? First of all it's the "Christians" who spew their judgements at the first opportunity. Not our job, folks, and that's pretty much why other people dislike us so. Is it wrong that I am judgemental of judgemental people? Probably so...
Secondly, it's the jokesters who poke fun at even the most tragic incidences. I'm all for a good laugh but sometimes compassion is classier.
But the absolute worst is the hateful atheist person. Not just the ones who don't believe in God but the ones who condemn those of us who do. It makes me wonder what happened to this person? Was there a horrific tragedy? Did he have a run-in with one of my judgemental friends? And why so much anger? How can you have so much hate for something you don't believe is real?
How can one go into the world and look at all the marvelous creations and think that it was all just chance? I'm not saying that science is all a bunch of nonsense. My personal belief is that God said "Let there be light!" and there was a big bang and then there was light. God did not go into specifics about how He created everything.
Of course, this guy would probably say I'm brainwashed. Thankfully I was taught about God and the Bible from a young age. But I'm an adult now and while I'm no astro-physicist, I am capable of putting two thoughts together and forming an opinion and I've concluded that yes, there is a God!
How do I really know for certain that God is real? I know because He has proven Himself to me every single day. I have been taken care of in so many ways that I know it cannot be coincidence or "karma". My life has been full of ups and downs. Sometimes I did not understand, but looking back I see that it was all pary of a carefully constructed plan, divine happenings that led me to where I am today.
When I call out to Him, He answers me. No, I don't hear it with my ears, I hear it with my heart. It's not something that can be explained but it is truth. I am not imagining it and I am not delusional.
I get so angry when I hear anyone speaking hatred or contempt against my God! Then, I get sad because I know they they don't know my God. To know Him is to love Him. I am thankful that through Bible study and prayer, I have gotten to know Him. I have complete trust in His character, even when I don't understand His plan. The proof is in my heart. So, when I hear this talk, I stop and pray. "Father I am so sorry. It it hurts me to hear these things but I know that it hurts you more even more. Please allow this person feel Your presence. Open their heart to Your truth." And then I feel His peace come over me. And to me that is one more piece of evidence that He is here.
It also helps me to have a little word from the Word on these matters:
"Don't have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels and the Lord's servant must not quarrel; instead he must be kind to everyone, able to teach, not resentful. Those who oppose him he must gently instruct, in the hope that God will grant them repentance, leading them to a knowledge of the truth, and they will come to their senses and escape from the trap of the devil, who has taken them captive to do his will." 2 Timothy 2:23-26.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
All of us
First of all, let me add a little disclaimer... We don't have home internet right now. I am blogging from my phone and it is a challenge. Please forgive any errors in spelling or grammar. I can barely see what I'm typing and this site does not agree with my phone. Ha!
My heart has been so burdened lately by the division between people. From politics to family to friends to co-workers and so on and so on. Judgement, anger and resentment are poisons. Nothing good can come from them. So why are we so quick to go there?
What's the point? We are all sinners. Just because someone sins different from you, doesn't mean their sin is any worse than yours. We are all going to have different opinions. That doesn't make mine more important than yours. We all struggle. Someone's life may look perfect from the outside but you don't know what they are struggling with on the inside.
I do have a selfish reason for pos,ting this blog. I'm tired of being misunderstood. My only enemy is the devil. I truly care and have concern for everyone in my life. If I don't always show it, it's because I am wore out! Raising three wild little boys is no easy task. Especially when I am on my own most of the time. Some days I am really struggling. SO, if I offend you in any way, please cut me some slack. I promise it was not intentional.
Now that I've said all this, I have to take my own advice. I am the worst about getting my feelings hurt too easily. I don't like turmoil and controversy. I want everyone to get along and like each other. How I wish it could be that way! Since it can't, let's all try to love each other. When someone hurts or disappoints you, pray for them. You really may not have a clue of what they're going through. T___alk to them. Be understanding. Don't lash out the first chance you get. We all have bad days. Let's cut each other some slack. After all "Love each other as I have loved you" is the greatest commandment.
Thank you, Lord for the people you place in my life. Thank you for the ones that encourage me and the ones who challenge me. I know we must all face challenges. T.at is part of living in this world. But Lord, I pray that as a Christian, I will always look to you for guidance when I'm challenged and that I will always be willing to forgive others as you always forgive me. I love you! In Jesus's name, I pray. Amen.
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