Out of all of the relationships in my life, the ones I struggle with the most are the ones with my family. I love my family and I know they love me. Still, we can get under each other's skin like no one else can! No one can hurt you like your family. No one can make you feel more rejected. They don't understand you. And you don't understand them! I have spent countless hours stewing about family situations, just this week! And just when I think the frustration will never end, God sends me a Word!
John 7:5 says, "For even his own brothers did not believe him." What??!! Jesus's own brothers did not believe in HIM! These same brothers grew up in the same house as Jesus. They played together.Worked together. They lived together their whole lives. They witnessed His blameless life, even His miracles. How many times had they heard the story of His birth? Did they think their mother was lying? And yet, they rejected Him.
Jesus's own brothers rejected Him and I think my family relationships are supposed to be perfect? Jesus's brothers did not believe Him and I think my family should be overjoyed to be related to me? Ha! Thank you, God for once again reminding me that I am not perfect. My family is not perfect. We are not always going to get along. There are going to be arguments, hurt feelings and disappointments. But, Jesus knows how we feel. Yes, His family hurt Him, too. We still have to keep on keeping on, just like He did.
Thank you, Lord, for sending me this Word today! Help me to love my family just as You love them. We were all created in Your image. Help me to not let my own disappointments get in the way of what you would have me do. Yes, Lord, you really do understand!
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